Local vs. Tourist during COVID-19

Many locations (New York included) are begging for tourists to return. And, the same was true for Jamaica, which is an entire nation dependent on the tourism industry. However, I would also argue that with the supply chain issues, global import/export regulations, and shipping problems that we’re seeing everywhere, tourism is putting a strain on the already fragile communities that are trying to simply survive in these troubled times.

Toasting Optimism on St. Patrick’s Day: Luck, Hope, and Hard Work

We’ll try to harness the “Luck of the Irish” this week. It made me question where this phrase originated. We may think of our St. Patrick’s Day visions of leprechauns, pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, and other superstitions. And, yes, Ireland has a good amount of superstition and folklore. However, when you look at the real history of the Irish, luck doesn’t seem to be on their side. The Great Famine, slave labor, racial slurs, English betrayal and genocide, disease, poverty – I mean – things have been pretty bleak. So, how did it come to be?

Riding the Second Wave After a Wipeout

I’ve never been a fan of apocalyptic sci-fi, but here I am…here we all are…living in it. The second wave is upon us…Will we be able the ride the wave safely to shore? How many more will wipeout? Lives? Businesses? Jobs? Industries? We can’t help but have hope.

Help! Please Support the Arts in the Time of COVID-19

If I (or Music As Language) has been essential for you, I’m going to ask for a huge favor. We are in need of support and help to keep things going. Here’s how you can make sure that we are there for future generations of artists, musicians, students, and families.

Wandering and Wondering in NYC

Lastly, this week was the last Manhattanhenge of 2020. It happens four times a year, twice for sunrise and twice for sunsets, where the sun is perfectly centered between the buildings for a glorious view of the city and the moment in time. The clouds put a little bit of a damper on our view of our first Manhattanhenge, but we still saw a pretty amazing sight!

New York: Awakening from COVID-19 Slumber

I’ve been here a week, and what I’ve learned is that New Yorkers are a resilient bunch. While the rest of the country was whining about not being able to go get ice cream, this city lost almost all “normal” services and opportunities. They witnessed the horrors of neighbors and friends disappearing to never return. Small businesses shut down in droves… 20% of workers became unemployed… nearly 32,000 have died so far. […]

Black Lives Matter: The Year to Wake Up

I probably would’ve spent this week broken with those thoughts to process by themselves. However, 2020 is pushing all of us to face more than we ever thought imaginable. The brutal death with such raw footage of George Floyd aired for all of us. The flood of emotions hit us like a tsunami.

Our Top 10 Stay-at-Home Quarantine Activities

As the world slowly starts to reopen and we socially distance outside of the home, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past eight weeks. There have been plenty of ups and downs in the world around us, in our relationship, in our relationship with our cats, and with our ever growing wanderlust.

Questions on Quitting Quarantine

I can only picture going back into the world being a little bit like Groundhog’s Day. I think that when the time comes, it will be difficult for me to not see my shadow and run right back into my cave.

United We Stand – Apart

The light at the end of this tunnel shines brightly. Don’t think this is end. The earth is using this time; it’s healing itself. People around the world are coming together to show compassion and love for their fellow man. Animals are taking over their natural habitats and enjoying their time for freedom. And, we will too. This too shall pass.